Bob Bly, author of 100 books and the man McGraw-Hill calls “America’s top copywriter,” reveals how you can….

Get Your Novel Published!

It’s every writer’s dream: write the Great American Novel and get it published by a mainstream publishing house.

Dear Novelist:

Every writer – and countless non-writers as well – dreams of one day writing and publishing the Great American Novel.

Well, my friend and colleague Hunter Shea has hit it big-time as a prolific novelist.

He has written 17 novels, all published by traditional publishing houses.

I am a huge fan of Hunter’s novels, including Loch Ness Revenge (Severed Press) … Forest of Shadows (Samhain) … The Montauk Monster (Pinnacle Books) … and Tortures of the Damned (Pinnacle).

(And yes, as the titles give away, his niche is horror and suspense.)

Now, Hunter reveals his secrets for writing paperbound novels that mainstream publishers, editors, and book buyers love – in his ebook, How to Write and Sell Your Novel to a Traditional Publishing House.

In it, you will discover:

  • The 3 Rs of becoming a successful novelist. Page 4.
  • Write a kick-but query letter that persuades a literary agent to represent your book. Page 37.
  • Pros and cons of attending writing conferences and seminars. Page 16.
  • Elmore Leonard’s advice to aspiring novelists. Page 17.
  • How many books a year should you read to become a writer? The answer may surprise you. Page 7.
  • Building your author platform -- and why you need one. Page 47.
  • Should you keep your day job or become a full-time freelance writer? Page 18.
  • 7 best social media channels for authors promoting their books. Page 48.
  • How to increase your chances of selling your book by becoming a genre novelist. Page 8.
  • How you can easily complete an entire novel in only 3 months. Page 22.
  • 5 ways to get more reviews for your novel. Page 58.
  • Why you should not write a novel that capitalized on the current big trend in commercial fiction. Page 9.
  • A proven process for revising, rewriting, and editing your novel from just okay to saleable. Page 24.
  • 6 most important points to negotiate in a book contract. Page 44.
  • R.L. Stine’s secret for writing success. Page 11.
  • Creating your author web site and blog. Page 50.
  • “Beta readers” and why so many top novelists use them. Page 28.
  • How to find the ideal balance between research and writing. Page 12.
  • Overcoming the fear of getting started. Page 31.
  • Savvy strategies for promoting your books so they stay in print longer. Page 62.
  • Reach more people online by publishing your own e-newsletter. Page 53.
  • 8 ways to a literary agent. Page 35. Page 33.
  • And so much more….

But wait. There’s more.

Another colleague, Lisa Mondello, is also a prolific and successful published novelist.

Lisa published her first novel in 1998, and is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of contemporary romance and gripping romantic suspense.

I’m proud to be her publisher for Selling Your Novel: a Beginner’s Guide to Writing a Novel and Getting It Published.

And when you order Hunter’s ebook How to Write and Sell Your Novel to a Traditional Publishing House

… you also get a second ebook to give you more strategies on selling your novel to a publisher, Lisa’s Selling Your Novel.

In Selling Your Novel, Lisa doesn’t offer to critique your writing, give you plot ideas, line-edit your book, or teach you the art of writing fiction.

Lisa and I assume you either dream of writing and publishing a novel … or are working on a novel right now … or plan to soon.

So while Hunter tells you how to write your novel, Lisa focuses 100% on what it takes in today’s marketplace to SELL a novel … and get it into print, into bookstores, and into the hands of eager readers.

Little-known novel marketing secrets – revealed at last

We all know what novels look like and sound like, because we’ve all read them.

But there are other tools you need to market your novel manuscript … and convince a publisher to take it on.

These include a powerful, persuasive query letter to gain the attention of potential literary agents … another query letter aimed at publishers … a short-form synopsis summarizing the plot in brief … and a long-form synopsis or chapter outline describing your story in far greater detail.

You’ve probably never seen any of these documents before, which makes it difficult to create your own.

But don’t worry. In Selling Your Novel, Lisa not only reprints the full text of actual query letters and synopses she and other authors have used to sell their novels to publishers….

She also takes you step-by-step through the query and synopsis writing process – so you can create these essential sales tools to sell your own novel to a publisher in record time.

But that’s not all….

Everything you need to become a published novelist is at your fingertips

In just 55 tightly written pages, Lisa Mondello – in her guide to selling your novel – takes you step by step through the process of becoming a published novelist.

She holds nothing back, and lays bare her proven methods of writing great fiction … getting it out into the market … and convincing a publisher to turn your words into a published novel.


  • How to write a one-page letter that convinces a publisher to buy your novel … before you’ve even finished writing it. Page 11.
  • Why you need to start your novel in the middle of the action – and tell the background story later on. Page 19.
  • 5 questions every editor asks when deciding whether to publish your novel – and how to give the right answer to each. Page 18.
  • How to find the right publisher for your novel by looking for their name in your local bookstore. Page 9.
  • The most common mistake unpublished novelists make. Publishers will reject your novel until you fix it. Page 19.
  • Can you sell your novel without representation from a literary agent? The answer may surprise you. Page 21.
  • The 24-hour rule for responding to a rejection letter from a publisher. Page 30.
  • The publishing mistake that cost Nancy Drew author Millie Benson millions of dollars in lost royalties. Page 38.
  • Why more and more first-time novelists are seeing big successes with small presses. Page 4.
  • How to pick the right literary agent to represent you and your book – and avoid choosing a bad one. Page 21.
  • Your editor wants you to make changes to your novel before it’s published. You don’t want to make them. Here’s what to do. Page 39.
  • How a single TV appearance got author Cathy Phillips a million-dollar advance. Page 42.
  • Follow this procedure when mailing your novel proposal to an editor. Otherwise, it may come flying back with a quick rejection. Page 20.
  • How long should you wait to hear back from an agent or publisher about your novel before you follow up? Page 29.
  • Selling your novel with a “high concept pitch.” Page 12.
  • How long do you have to make your manuscript for publishers to seriously consider publishing it as a novel? Page 35.
  • 5 components your novel synopsis must contain. Can you name them all? Page 14.
  • Why so many novelists never get to see their books published – and one sure way to avoid their fate. Page 19.
  • Should you write what you love – or follow publishing trends and write the type of novel that’s selling today, even if it’s not a type of book you’re fond of? Page 8.
  • Your first novel produces only modest sales. Will publishers give you a second chance? Page 44.
  • 3 steps to creating a winning novel proposal. Page 10.
  • How to write a compelling, selling long-form novel synopsis that gets editors to want to buy your book. Page 46.
  • Where to find the perfect publisher for your horror, thriller, romance, science fiction, western, or other genre novel. Page 3.
  • How persistence can help you become a first-time published novelist. Page 1.
  • Should you make a book editor’s suggested revisions to your novel before the publisher has made you a firm offer – and given you a contract – to publish the book? Page 32.
  • Negotiating your advance … royalty … and other important clauses in your book contract. Page 34.
  • How to promote your novel on the Internet. Page 42.
  • And much, much more….

Order now and save almost $20

The list price of this two-ebook course on novel writing is $29 each, or $58 total.

But order the package today (we do not sell them separately) and you pay only $39 in total … a discount of 33% off the regular rate. You save $19.

And that’s your investment in our novel-writing program only if you are happy with the material.

If not, your cost is zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Because you can…

… Use it risk-FREE for 90 days!

If, after reviewing Hunter’s and Lisa’s novel writing guide, you don’t agree that the instruction and advice can place you solidly on the road to writing a novel and getting it published….

Or you are not 100% satisfied for any reason – or for no reason at all – just let me know within 90 days.

I’ll refund your $39 payment in full. No questions asked.

And you can keep both ebooks FREE, with my compliments.

That way, you risk nothing.

So, what are you waiting for?

In 90 days, you could be no closer to your dream of being a published novelist.

Or, you could be on the phone, with your literary agent, who’s saying those words every writer longs to hear: “We just got an offer on your novel!”

It’s entirely up to you.

For more information … and to review our novel-writing program on a 90-day risk-free trial basis … click below now:

Bob's signature
Bob Bly

P.S. Quick-Response Bonus! Order our novel-writing course today and you get a FREE copy of my 50-page Special Report, How to Write a Book and Get It Published (list price: $29).

In it, you’ll discover:

  • How to find a great idea for your book. Page 9.
  • Writing the “bullet-proof” book proposal. Page 19.
  • Using “positioning” to sell your book. Page 29.
  • Why you should write and publish a nonfiction book. Page 3.
  • Make $10,000 a month selling ebooks. Page 42.
  • Sell your books through online newsletters. Page 45.

Best of all, the report is yours to keep FREE, even if you decide to request a refund on our “write and sell your novel” ebooks.

So what are you waiting for? To order our novel-writing course … and get your FREE Special Report … just click below now:

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